Dale Gallon's Famous 'The Day Is Ours' Print Available
As many of you have heard, Dale Gallon and his wife Anne, "Life-Time" members and supportors of HGAC, have closed the doors to their studio/shop on Steinwehr Avenue in Gettysburg.
HGAC has partnered with Dale for many years to make available to HGAC members a framed print of "The Days is Ours." For a limited time only, Dale and HGAC are making this framed print available at a reduced cost to you for your home or office.
The original painting hangs on the stage of the G.A.R. Hall. If you would like a one-of-a-kind framed print (with print title & HGAC marking), you can purchase one at the HGAC highly reduced price. All monies received go directly to the preservation efforts of HGAC!
Pay securely online using PayPal or your credit card/debit card. A framed print is $250. An unframed print is $100. If you prefer to make a purchase by check, mail it to HGAC, PO Box 4611, Gettysburg, PA 17325.

In Stock $250

In Stock $100.00

The original work hangs in the G.A.R. building. Framing of purchased prints will be different.